Hello and welcome to the KinekPoint Blog! There are hundreds of product and service blogs out there, but we’re aiming for something a little different. We’ll keep you updated on the latest news about our company and service, but we also want to help you by providing you with information that you can use to make online shopping a little easier. We’ll post articles, tips, and links to help you get the most out of shopping online.
From info that can help you make smarter shopping decisions to news on the latest shopping trends and websites, you’ll find it all at the KinekPoint blog.
Right now, you’re probably wondering just what KinekPoint is.
KinekPoint (the basics)Ever get a note on your door saying that UPS or the postal service tried to leave you a package and missed you? That’s a missed delivery. It’s your time and energy spent trying to track down a package that you weren’t there to sign for. It’s not your fault; no one has time to sit at home waiting for boxes to show up.
KinekPoint is teaming up with local businesses to keep those delivery notices off of your front door.
Retail stores, pharmacies, video and convenience stores are all joining the network. All you have to do is sign up for a free account at
kinekpoint.com and send your package to a location that works for you. We’ll send you an email notification when your package arrives and you can pick it up when you have time.
My KinekPoint is just around the corner from where I work – close enough that I can pick up packages on my lunch break.
Can’t find a KinekPoint Depot near you? We’re still growing. See that banner on the right? The one that asks if you know a location that would make a great KinekPoint Depot? It’s not an idle question.
We really do want to hear from you!
Thanks for reading and check back often!