Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day News: Shopping Online is Green!

Happy Earth Day!  
A recent study by Carnegie Mellon University's Green Design Institute highlights that the environment benefits when you shop online. The study found that online shopping can result in a reduction of CO2 emissions when compared to shopping in traditional retail stores.  

At Kinek, we believe that the Kinek service will further reduce the carbon footprint of online shopping by streamlining the 'last mile' of online delivery and removing the need for couriers to make repeat deliveries.  

The Carnegie Mellon study can be found @ the Green Design Institute website.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The importance of your KN#

You wouldn’t mail a letter without writing the recipient’s name on the envelope. You want to be sure that your letter reaches the right person and including the name helps accomplish that. A KN# is just like a name on an envelope: it identifies a package as being yours.

Once your parcel arrives at a depot, the KN# is entered into the system. Once it is entered, you’ll receive an email letting you know that your package is ready to be picked up.

If you forget to include the KN# when filling out a retailer’s shipping form, the system can’t identify you and your package may be left in limbo.

Always remember to put your KN# followed by the name of the depot you are shipping to in the second address line of a retailer’s shipping form (see the image above for an example).

Big News

A new version of KinekPoint is coming soon. The new version will include several ways to save the addresses of your favourite depots along with your KN#. Check back for updates.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bloggers spread the word about package theft

As the Prince of Petworth (PoP) recently demonstrated, blogging can be about more than just what you had for breakfast. With a focus on the happenings of many popular Washington DC neighborhoods, PoP’s blog covers everything from real estate and neighborhood development to art galleries and restaurants.

On March 16th, he turned his attention to the issue of package theft. After receiving a number of tips about stolen packages in the Columbia Heights area, he posted a selection of tips he was receiving on his blog and asked for reader feedback.

Hats off to bloggers like the Prince of Petworth who are using their blogs to warn readers about what’s going on in their neighborhoods.

If you’re worried about your package being stolen from your doorstep, try using KinekPoint.